Sunday morning windy and quite a chop, just right for our monthly Club 500 battle.
Paul and Terry opened up and set the course out, many thanks for that.
With our usual “official” scorer Ed we set out to race, the conditions and each other.
The first race started well with some gentle barging and plenty of nip & tuck racing.
One or two boats rolling over but the strong wind blew them back to shore quickly to be sent out again.
After what seemed an age, 5 mins according to Terry`s trusted time piece it was all over, the following results recorded
Paul 1st, joint second were Mark, Phil, Vaughan and me on 12 laps, Piers 6th and Terry last, how the mighty have fallen from last year.
It has to be noted that we trusted Paul to buy replacement props and since then poor Terry breaks a prop every race.
However fishy it sounds it might help if Terry stopped running over other boats and buoys!!
We tried in vain to run Pursuit boats but the waves made close running too dangerous, next time maybe?
Paul and Don used their sailboats well in the wind and Don took his fast cat out but the wind and waves lifting it at scary angles, so took some great pics of the racing.
Race two, again set off well only to deteriorate into a bit of a dodgem race, collisions and Piers being hit while upside down and making a large hole in his bottom, the boat that is.
The results from Ed were, Paul 1st, Vaughan and me equal second, Phil 4th, Carl 5th, Mark 5th, Terry with 1 bladed prop 6th and Piers last.
The last race though not an official race went as follows but Piers`s boat being taped up kept rolling over spending equal time upside down.
The results Terry 1st with another new prop, Vaughan 2nd, Paul 3rd, Carl 4th Phil next and Pears both not finishing and me not starting as radio got wet.
The event over we put the gear away i think all having enjoyed the fun, nice to see Mark with a new 500, Carl with his new motor and Vaughan with his new set up all going well.
Thanks for Ed for scoring and Don for pics, too follow.
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