Mid week sail as our usual Sunday sailings falling on Christmas and New Years day.
Mainly the usual Hard Core sailors turned up at 10 am to meet a cold frosty morning, dead calm, flat water and a descending mist.
It was good to get out and stretch the legs and get some fresh air.
Sailboats were no use but we still had a variety of craft on the water, Don using his fast cats, Carl his tug and Samauri, John tried his canal tug and i used my Lynx and Huntsman until the speedo gave up.
As the mist rolled in like the film  “The Fog” and being unable to see the buoys we called it a day, wishing each other a Happy New Year.
I hear that some of you are planning to sail on Sunday 1st.
Club meeting second Tuesday, get your subs back to Steve and bring some cash for the Merchandise that Steve has got.
So chaps from a decent and enjoyable CMBC year 2016. Thank you for your support, I wish you all a great New Year, good health and a prosperous 2017.
* Having problems downloading or printing off your renewal forms ???

Please contact Steve, Club Secretary and he will post a set out to you.

I will be bringing the NEW Club Merchandise the the first Club meeting in January. Kindly bring some change with you as the club does not carry much "cash float" as such.

* New Builds for Christmas/ winter projects ??

Why not send in some pictures and details for the club website,  a chance for you to show off your boat building skills and also help increase our club promotion too.
