Whilst I am waiting for some internal hull bonding to full cure, I have started on the interior. the kit does supply some vac moulded seats and some plastic tubing to form the basic seat frames,plus a base vac moulding of the main dashboard but thats as far as the kit goes The rest as they say "is up to you"!
So starting with the seats, a quick reference to the RNLI plans show that the seat bases are oversize and need cutting back, as the base is a tall as the seat backs, hardly comfortable to sit in. So cut the seats and reprofile the seat sides before proceeding.
Who said that anything was easy ??
original seat on right, left seat shows oversize error in moulding. |
the basic seat bases shown here, now need a footrest adding and anti slip plates |
view through cabin windows. |
1:16 scale figures, fully poseable arms and legs, should convert quite nicely, the fireman even has a hinged clear visor on the helmet, a few more alterations will make a decent RNLI replica style |
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