Saturday sailing 15/03/14.

Yet another superb afternoon and another fun and interesting afternoons sailing session too. the wind unfortunately was not blowing consistently enough for the yachts that were there, but this meant that the water was a lot calmer then previously, allowing some of the faster boats to  really stretch their legs for a change.  I took my F3 sprint cat along and it had its first trails out on the water. I think that with a little more adjustment and "running in" it will make a good stable boat, even though I did manage to flip it completely over on its last sail of the afternoon, catching a wave top at a corner, didnt help.

It was also good to see another 2 new club members sailing for the first time, so welcome to Terry and Roger.
The club 500 team is gathering momentum and numbers and a few good team races were held today, purely for fun though.
