Saturday Sailing 26/10/13.

The weather this afternoon was pretty good, considering the rain we have had during the week, plus what's about to "land" upon us all within the next 48 hours.
All I can say is "make sure you don't leave anything loose outside, make sure all your fence panels are secure, or you may loose a few. Oh and don't forget to pick the plastic watering can up and put in the shed !!

A  few club members managed to make it poolside, so some pictures for you all. A new one to the fleet for Alan, a purchase from the Blackpool Show a German Police launch, goes pretty well too.

As you can see from this picture, the Lake water level is on the climb again, yes, thanks to the rainfall in the last week, plus with more forecast, it should help to replenish some of that taken by CRT to keep up with canal traffic through the canal locks.
Now for an update on my own project "Sea Nymph".
Ive managed to get the 2 separate lower keel sheets fitted. I had to take a bravery pill first before attempting to pull the ply round and up to the bow piece, but after following the build instructions and soaking in warm water for a short while, it flexed sufficiently to make the bend..

You will also note that I have also started to shape and add some polystyrene blocks in to the bilges, to act as safety buoyancy, if any problem occurs with my bonding of all the below water seams!
far easier to shape and add now before the side panels are added to the hull. Same goes for the motor, the next item on the agenda. this has been sourced and soon to be fitted, but I may decide to keep this build section out for a while, keep you all guessing, till its out on the water [ha ha]. then show you the powerplant.
