Tuesday Pub meet [July].

Tonights monthly meeting took place at the Ski Club, as this was chosen as the preferred venue from now on.Mark started the meeting with news that the Ski Club had given permission for our club to hold our Sailing regatta at their site [7th September]. ALL originally invited clubs are still more than welcome to come along and join us here for this, our very first regatta.

The boating pool water is looking very green and is now swamped with barley straw, as the bales have disintegrated and is floating loosely across the water, making model boat sailing very hazardous to say the least, with all this straw about it will very quickly wrap itself around any propeller. The condition of th water will be brought to the Councils attention at a meeting shortly to take place.

After the meeting close, there was still sufficient daylight left for those fortunate enough to of brought boats along for a sailing session too.
"Wakelake" in action

The boating pool

barley Straw- propellers WATCH OUT 

Carls sailing boat to the rescue

HHmm - dont look right

"SMOKIN !"  or is it a fast steam turbine?

Dave's new yacht, sailed very well in a slight breeze too.
