Saturday Sailing 12/1/13.

Well, this afternoon could not of been any colder, the wind direction was, for once, blowing opposite to its usual path, so the banking behind where our club members usually stand, offered no shelter unfortunately.
many sincere thanks go to the brave but few who did turn out for some interesting fast boat time trials.
A course had been placed out on the pool water, using our self setting marker buoys and each boat had to then circle all the buoys [the right way round] for a timed period of 5 minutes, the total number of correct laps only to count.
The water was quite choppy, so this unfortunately ruled out my own boats, so after a brief bit of "testing" mine were left moored up on the wall. My only boat seeing action was my ever faithful "Sun tug", being used for rescue. I do have a "deep Vee hull" boat in dry dock, but not ready for this particular club event, my remaining fleet of fast boats are shallow hulls, not really suitable for choppy water.

Sun Tug in Rescue mode!

A serious bit of kit here!

The Black Widow

Chasewater Main Lake Update.

After all the rainfall we have had over the last 12 months, it comes with no surprise that the main lake is almost FULL to its limit. The water level is barely a couple of inches below the sluice overflow  situated in the dam wall. The water is also now to be seen lapping up against the bank, alongside the main footpath by the boating pool.
