Saturday sailing 21/4/12.

The weather reports certainly did their work yet again,  oh and also a bit of rain too, in the form of showers, interspersed with sunny periods, Yep that should do it !
Unfortunately, this led to very few club members ta the poolside yet again but down to the weather.
I was under the belief that this should of been the second huffy race afternoon, but nothing occurred, but on saying this I neither had conformation or denial that it was on or off! I thought these races were to take place every 2 weeks, but we seem to be loosing something somewhere.
 My thanks go to the brave but few who attended and sailed their boats and thanks go to Mark for borrowing my camera to take the following pictures. A sterling effort and some superb shots in my opinion, especially his choice to get down  to the action and get a bit to close to the paved area!

I have had to remove/delete  more of the older picture images, simply due to our blogger limit on the Picasa web album site. My appologies for this, but without spending a lot of expense on album space, this is my only option. If there are any images you would like, please contact me via our clubs email address as I still have master copies on file.
