The weather today was almost perfect, apart from the temperature, it could of been a summers afternoon, Ok, so I'm a day early in commenting on summertime!
There was good good mixed bunch sailing this afternoon again, including another new club member and a visit from some people interested in joining too.
The pool water was in a poor state and a lot of debris had to be removed [sticks, tree branches, plastic bread bags] before it was reasonably safe to let our model boats out, as these items can cause damage to propellers and the bread bags get wrapped around a propeller and leave a model boat stranded out in the middle of the pool, let alone the injuries possible if one of the wild birds decided to chew on them.
I can't see the point in taking the time and effort to drive over to feed the birds, then throw the plastic bag in the pool water and leave the potential for bird injury without even a second thought.
This afternoons sailing saw the second session of "split sailing" to keep the fast electric boats away from the scale and sail boats, although one person did attempt to try and run BOTH in the same session ! this was discussed openly at our last club meeting and agreed upon. Lets LEAVE it that way until the next meeting for evaluation and take it from there. the method adopted allows the sail and scale boats out on the pool for 1/2 to 3/4 of an hour, giving sufficient time for the fast electric guys to pamper their boats and prepare for battle ! The fast electric boats then get about 15 - 20 mins running time before their batteries are flat and require recharge. Then the pool is handed over to the slower scale/sail guys again, whilst batteries are recharged poolside, and so it goes on. this system seems to work, but lets see.
* There is a "normal pub meet/chat" this coming Tuesday evening 27/3/12. BUT this will then change back to our clubs "summertime tuesday sailing" thereafter.
So April pub meet and ALL future summetime pub meets will be ONCE A MONTH.
As usual Second Tuesday of Every Month,
Tuesday Afternoon/evening sailing WILL Commence again starting 1st April and NO, wer'e NOT Fooling ! [ha ha].
Here's a few more pictures kindly sent in by Wayne, one of our clubs newest members. If any club member did take any pictures of Wayne's sail boat on Saturday, could they kindly forward them to me and I will redirect to him, many thanks in advance.
Arrr Cap'n, tis a fione daye fore salin |
Capt'n Titus's rescue launch |
Edd's coast guard vessel in newly painted livery |
Marks "almost completed" sea queen |
my own plan built pusher tug Egrete [and barge] |
Carls brushless boat |
Billings Amsterdam tug |
some of the fascinated members of the public. |
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