Saturday Sailing 30/7/11.

My thanks again to to Mark for kindly being on site to take these photo's for me, due to working comittments, I was unable to attend the sailing meet.
Due to the Bring n buy meet and tuesday sailing event being so close, there will be a triple posting this week, so "DONT GO AWAY" ! 
I will be uploading ALL of this stuff over the next 3 days [1 per day- to ease things a bit].
Mark has intitallu suggested to proposal of organising a "mini bus" so any CMBC member can visit the International Model Boat Show, late this year.  Anyone insterested in taking up ths offer is requested to contact the club and register their interest, so we can then check to see  what the "shared costs" will be, obviously, it will wok out cheaper than going down their in your own motor, so its got to be worth it!
