Just to say a BIG "THANKYOU" to all of you out in the world who are making this web site so popular!
Without your viewing, it would not make it worth doing so.
PLEASE feel free to send your comments in to us, let us know what you want to see more of, perhaps we are missing out on some items of model boating, I odnt know, I can only go on what I feel should be posted here.
This is this months "hit list":-
Total site views for last year were as follows:-
July 20th, Site started.
August 2010: 14
September : 240
October : 654
November : 712
December : 879
So as you can see. In less than 6 months, this web site has picked up quite a few regular visitors and we would like to hope you keep returning to this site. Please check out the site links on the lower right side fo this page, we only list sites for their own merits and relevence to model boating, so they are not "pay per view" sites, they are all free to view.
If you click on the "top model boat sites" link and visit their site, you can view all the model boat web sites all around the UK, plus you can also cast your vote on their site for our club . |
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